The Annapurna Circuit

The Annapurna Circuit Trek is the classic Nepal “teahouse” trekking route, weaving its way through a variety of landscapes, from hot and humid jungle with rice-terraced hillsides, to the treeless alpine environment surrounding the Thorung La Pass, all in the shadow of Himalayan giants, including the Annapurnas, Dhaulagiris, Nilgiri, and Gangapurna, among other massive snow-topped peaks.

Below you will find the day-by-day posts of our 19-day trek through the region, including a 3 ½ day side-trip to Tilicho Tal (highly recommended). It’s certainly possible to complete the trek in fewer days, and there are many other villages where lodging can be found outside of those mentioned below. Just keep in mind that it’s important to pay attention to your altitude acclimatization rate on the front end of the trip (leading up to the pass).

For each day’s post, we’ve included the elevation of the overnight villages, as well as other locations – such as Thorung La Pass and Tilicho Tal –  in parentheses behind the village/location name in both meters and feet (m/ft.). The listed elevations in the maps, guidebooks, etc. can vary slightly; for the sake of consistency, the elevations provided below all came from the “Round Annapurna Trekking Profile” pamphlet available at the Tourist Information Center in Kathmandu (where you can acquire your necessary trekking permits).

In addition, for each day we’ve included a basic description of the day’s trek, some peaks and other notable features you may see (depending on cloud cover!), and some notes on the particular lodge we stayed at in each village. Remember that the lodges are simple affairs. Our mention of particular lodges is not meant to be an advertisement. There are many good lodges in each location and you should certainly poke around to pick one that you are happy with. We’ve also included any personal experiences/feelings, funny stories, or other details that we saw fit because we’re also writing to share our experience!

If you’re looking for a condensed information only version without the back stories, we suggest jumping right into our Annapurna Circuit Solo Hiking Guide.