Annapurna Circuit - Solo Hiking Guide

A Guide to Independently Hiking The Annapurna Circuit in Nepal

As part of our first long term around the world trip, we decided to do a considerable amount of hiking in Nepal. At the time we found that most of the available Annapurna Circuit hiking guides were well out of date.

It’s hard to plan for a trip halfway around the world without some up to date information and since our trek many people have asked us how we did it. 

So we decided to create our own guide and sample itinerary which gives you an example of what a full thru hike of The Annapurna Circuit looks like for an independent solo hiker. Along the way we also discovered some excellent side trips worth taking and have included those as well.

This is the straight to the point question and answer version which includes the most common questions about the hike. If you’re looking for a more personal account of our time hiking in the Annapurna region check out the rest of our daily blog posts for a recap and pictures of what each day looks like.

Curious about other hikes in Nepal? We’ve also created a similar solo guide for hiking in the Everest region (3 Passes, Everest Base Camp, and Gokyo Lakes).

What is the Annapurna Circuit?

The Annapurna Circuit is a 258km (160 mile) teahouse hiking route through the Annapurna Himalaya range in northwestern Nepal.

It famously crosses the Thorung-La Pass at 5,416m (17,769ft), one of the highest trekking passes in the world.

The complete circuit offers spectacular views of some of the highest mountains in the world including two eight-thousanders (Annapurna I and Dhaulagiri).

How long does The Annapurna Circuit take?

The time required to hike the Annapurna Circuit depends on a multitude of factors. These days you can really make it as long or short as you want. Some things to consider are your physical ability (how fast you walk), how much of the circuit you want to do (your start and end point), how well you do with acclimatization, and if you plan to add on any extra side hikes such as Tilicho Tal (highly recommended) or Annapurna Base Camp.

Personally, we did a full thru hike of the entire circuit start to finish as well as adding in Tilicho Tal in 19 days, walking at a normal pace not in any rush whatsoever.

Let me say that it’s worth taking some extra time to just fully appreciate this region. There are so many side hikes, climbs, base camps etc. to explore. Make the most of it while you are here!

Our sample itinerary is below.

How fit do I need to be?

The great part about the Annapurna Circuit is that you do not need to be a super athlete or even an accomplished hiker to tackle it.

That said, you should have some level of base fitness and always be sure to check with your doctor to make sure you can handle walking 4-6 hours everyday for 2-3 weeks carrying a 15-20lb pack (if you carry your own gear and don’t hire a porter).

We saw all ages and shapes on the trail and everyone was having a great time!

What about elevation and altitude sickness?

It is important to acclimatize properly on the Annapurna Circuit.

The good news is that the hike naturally takes a gradual approach letting you acclimatize a little more each day. It’s recommended that you stay 2 nights in Manang unless you are taking the side trip out to Tilicho Tal which we highly recommend you do.

The highest elevation you will ever sleep at is 4540m (14,895ft) and it is only for one restless night. After that, you go over the pass and right back down to 3710m (12,172ft).

The ability to deal with altitude has a lot to do with genetics so everyone is going to be a little different. That said, the vast majority of people have little to no problem with altitude as long as they take the time to acclimatize properly and not rush too fast to the high elevations.

Some people recommend and take Diamox tablets which are designed to prevent and treat altitude sickness. Talk to you doctor if you think this might be something you are interested in.

The Himalaya Mountain Rescue Association operates a western clinic with a western doctor on staff in Manang and you can also get Diamox from them if you need to. They also run a free daily altitude talk at 3pm that is highly recommended.

Remember: It’s ok to get altitude sickness. It’s NOT ok to die from it!

When is the best time to hike The Annapurna Circuit?

Prime trekking season is October/November.

April/May is also a good time to trek and probably the second most popular time.

December – March is winter and while the skies will be clear, it will be very cold and snow threatens to close the high passes

June – September is monsoon season and not recommended due to heavy rains and mudslides.

As you can see you can technically make this trek nearly year-round, however, during the winter months many of the lodges will be closed, so you’d want to check the accommodation situation in advance if you are interested in trekking in the off-season. The best trekking months in the region are October, November, May and April (reportedly in that order).

Our trek began on September 25 and ended on October 13. We started a little early to try and get ahead of the prime time crowds and also give us enough time to also do the Everest 3 Passes Trek. While we took a chance starting before the generally estimated “end” of monsoon season (October 1), we had amazing weather for the entire trek. We heard rain on our rooftops several nights, and it sometimes lasted into the early morning, but we never had to trek in the rain. Nearly all of our days were crisp, clear, and beautiful.

The length of the monsoon season will vary every year and it can sometimes last weeks into October. Because most need to plan their trips well in advance, there is little you can do but plan to bring a raincoat.

Temperatures vary from sweltering hot and humid during the day at the lower elevations to quite cold at the higher elevations. I’m not going to put numbers on these, but we have recommended layers to bring along in our Annapurna Circuit Gear List.

Typically clouds move in by early afternoon so your best views for the day are in the morning.

Do I need to book anything ahead of time?

You might want to book a hostel/guest house in Kathmandu (Thamel District) to make it easier when you arrive.

Hostelworld is a good resource for finding lodging in Thamel. We stayed at and recommend Elbrus Home. Nothing else needs to be booked ahead of time.

Your hostel owner can help you book a bus to Besi Sahar and the tea houses on the circuit are first come first serve. Don’t worry, there are plenty to go around for everyone!

How do I get to there and back?

Most people who come to Nepal fly into Kathmandu International Airport (KTM).

A taxi from the airport to Thamel (main tourist district) will cost about 700 NPR (~6 USD) and takes 20-45 minutes depending on traffic.

From Kathmandu there are daily buses that leave from the Naya Bus Park just north of Thamel. You want the 0645 AM bus to Besi Sahar which is where the Annapurna Circuit starts. It will be a 6-8 hour bus ride depending on traffic. Your hostel owner can help you book a bus and get you a taxi to the bus station. Depending on where you are staying you could also just walk to the bus stop, it’s not that far.

The full Annapurna Circuit ends in Naya Pul which is just a small roadside bazaar town. From Naya Pul you can grab a taxi to Pokhara (they are anxiously waiting) for about 1500 NPR (~13 USD). It’s about a 45-60 minute taxi ride. You can also catch a bus for less but it will obviously take longer.

It’s worth it to spend a few days relaxing in lakeside Pokhara (you earned it!) before catching a bus back to Kathmandu which will cost about 800-1000 NPR and take 8 hours.

Do I need a trekking permit? How can I get one?

There are many many trekker checkpoints along the Annapurna Circuit so definitely buy your permits.

Permits are cheaper to get in Kathmandu so just buy them before you leave.

You’ll need two things, a TIMS (Trekker Information Management System) card and an Annapurna Conservation Area permit.

They cost 20 USD each (or NPR equivalent) and you’ll need four passport photos. Luckily for you, they offer free pics at the office so don’t bother with paying for any extras. You get 6 photos total by default and you get some free arts and crafts time trimming them up.

Both of these permits can be purchased at the Nepal Tourism Board office which is just south east of Thamel. You can walk there in about 15-20 minutes from the main Thamel tourist area.

How much money do I need to solo hike The Annapurna Circuit?

It all depends on how extravagant you want to live!

The most expensive part is actually getting to Nepal. After that, you’ll need 30 USD for a 30-day visa and 40 USD (or NPR equivalent) for your trekking permits (20 for TIMS card and 20 for conservation area permit).

On arrival you’ll likely want to stay a day or two in Thamel to get your permits and bus to Besi Sahar situated. A taxi to Thamel from the airport costs 700 NPR.

For accommodation in Thamel we recommend Elbrus Home that we stayed at for a total of about 25 days while in Nepal. As of this writing a nice private ensuite room with breakfast included was 16-20 USD per night. There are also cheaper hostel accommodations in Thamel for as little as 8 USD per night.

The bus to Besi Sahar is 360 NPR per person.

Estimate around $25 (~3,000 NPR) per day per person while on the circuit for a solo hike (no guides/porters). At the lower elevations you can spend far less on most days, but at the higher elevations, as things get more expensive (see below), you will come in closer to this estimate. During the time of travel, the exchange rate was approximately $1=105 Rs, but check for current rates.

BE SURE to bring ALL the money you will need with you. There are no ATMs along the circuit until Jomsom, so get your cash in Kathmandu or Pokhara before heading to the circuit.

This will be a HUGE stack of bills you’re carrying so be smart about concealing your money and don’t pull out a wallet with the whole bank. Keep a small money wallet with what you need for the day handy and keep the rest put away safely. Do not expect to be able to use a credit card anywhere on the circuit.

Prices will vary by local, season, and elevation. While we listed prices for a few things throughout, note that they may very well change.

Prices generally get higher with elevation and seclusion. Beyond Manang (beyond road access), prices will rise because all goods must be brought in via horse/donkey/yak or porters. This will also hold true for side excursions that do not have road access (such as Tilicho Tal).

If you are inclined to want to buy a lot of snacks and beer along the trip, you may want to budget a bit more to give yourself more wiggle room, as these snacks will also increase in price with elevation. To keep snack prices down, it’s not a bad idea to bring a bulk of granola bars or candy bars along from Kathmandu or Pokhara, where the prices are much cheaper.

Most lodges on the circuit you can bargain to stay for free if you promise to eat dinner and breakfast there (not like you have a huge choice). Unlike the Everest region, most lodges on the Annapurna Circuit include hot shower, charging capability, and wifi for free.

You will pay for everything (food) at once when you check out of the lodge before leaving in the morning. Be sure to check over your receipt and make sure no extras crept onto the ticket (maybe accidentally from another room). We generally did not have much of an issue with this other than a pot of tea here or there that we never received, but it’s always good to check through your bill.

Also budget for a taxi from Naya Pul (where the circuit ends) to Pokhara which is 1500 NPR. A few nights in Pokhara can be had for 12-16 USD a night (private/ensuite) or cheaper for dorms and shared bathrooms.

The tourist bus from Pokhara back to Kathmandu costs 800-1000 NPR.

What are the teahouse lodges like?

The teahouse lodges on the Annapurna Circuit are actually pretty great! They have 4 walls and a roof most of the time!

Rooms are simple accommodation with one or two beds (some places have 3+) and sheets/pillow/blankets. The rooms generally have a power charging outlet (don’t forget your converter) and a light of some sort.

Some of the nicer lodges (Father & Son Guesthouse in Tal) have attached bathrooms with hot shower. Otherwise you are looking at shared bathrooms and a mix of cold/lukewarm/bucket showers.

The toilets are almost always “squatty pottys”.

Pro tips for lodge selection:

  • When it comes to selecting a lodge, feel free to look around. The lodge owners will try and entice you to come to their place by asking you to “just come look” at a room. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking to see a room or even feel that the shower water is hot if this is important to you.

  • Some rooms will have charging outlets and some won’t. Almost everywhere will claim they have Wi-Fi, but be sure to ask that it works. Sometimes you will be told a place has Wi-Fi, only to settle in and find out that “it’s not working right now”. So, if you really want Wi-Fi at a particular stop, be sure to ask if it works. Even when Wi-Fi does work, it is most often painfully slow. Remember you are on a trek in one of the poorest nations in the world, take everything in stride, and just enjoy your surroundings!

  • You can generally tell a lot about the lodge from the exterior. We typically began our lodge selection by looking for a lodge that seemed structurally sound (or as best an option possible). If the entire building is made of tin, it’s probably a good sign that there isn’t a hot shower (not always true). Again, it’s completely acceptable to look around before agreeing to stay somewhere.

  • Upstairs rooms are best if there are multiple levels, as in downstairs rooms you will hear all the footsteps of those above you. Walls between the rooms are also typically pretty thin (often just a sheet of plywood), so earplugs are handy if you don’t want to hear every conversation, cough, and snore of your neighbors (or roommate 😉 ).

  • Insofar as showers go, most are heated by either solar or gas units. Some of the solar units work really well and some don’t seem to work at all (you can often tell by the quality of the solar panel if you can see it). Of course, the solar unit performance will also depend on the amount of cloud cover. For the solar units, the best time of the day to take a shower is generally 2-3pm-ish.

  • A good gas shower will typically ensure that you have a nice hot shower, though is more resource heavy (if concerned with eco-friendly travel).

  • “Hot water” is a relative term on the Annapurna Circuit. If showering and hot water are important to you, look for places that heat their water with gas, followed by solar, followed by fire. When looking at a room ask to see the shower and turn it on to feel the water before you commit to a place.

  • Many lodges will actually provide your room for free as long as you eat dinner and breakfast at their lodge, as food is where they make the most money. It’s also more likely to get your room for free when you are among the first trekkers to arrive, as lodge owners scramble to get travelers in their lodges early to attract additional travelers later. If not free, rooms will range anywhere from 100-400 Rs. (possibly more at some locations in Manang), though are almost always negotiable.

  • Check out the dining area. With very few exceptions (Manang) most lodges have the same menu so don’t worry too much about what food is being served, but you’ll probably spend some time in there hanging out so make sure it looks comfortable/warm.

  • If the weather is nice look for places that have nice outdoor seating in the sun to relax for the afternoon.

How’s the food? Do I need to carry my own?

While in the past lodge food may have been limited to mostly daal bhaat (daal bhaat power 24hr!), all of the menus along the circuit now are pretty extensive, with rice, pasta, potato, curry, momo, soup, and other options, as well as many bread, egg, porridge, and muesli options for breakfast.

The menus are pretty much identical along the trail, with a few places offering up some local options or additional meat options (while some chicken was available on nearly every menu, yak steak/burger options start showing up around Manang and on the far side of the pass).

Daal bhaat is a traditional Nepalese dish of lentils (daal, usually in a soup form) and rice (bhaat), which typically also includes a side of some cooked mixed vegetables. If you are very hungry, it is often the best bang for your buck as it comes with refills of at least the rice and the lentils, and sometime the side greens/vegetables.

While the same two basic ingredients are used in the dish, since everyone makes the lentil soup differently and the side veggie dish varies, no two daal bhaat dishes are the same. Same same but different! Try it everywhere! There is also often a non-veg daal bhaat option, where the side dish will include some meat.

Try the Yak cheese! This is available once you start getting to yak territory… Manang, Yak Kharka, Letdar, and all locations on the other side of the pass. Goes great with bread or crackers

Beer and soda are available everywhere for an inflated price. Snacks (cookies/candy bars etc.) are widely available, also for higher than western prices. The further away you get, the higher the prices get.

You do not need to bring your own meals unless you have some dietary restrictions. There are many places along the way that are happy to cook you a hot meal. That said, I do recommend bringing your own daily snacks (see tips below).

Pro tips on food:

  • Bring your own snacks from Kathmandu. Yeah, it sucks to have the extra weight, but if you know you’re going to want one Snickers a day while hiking, its better to pay 80 NPR per bar in Kathmandu than 180 NPR up on the circuit.

  • Soy Sauce. I love it, and it turns dal bhat into a whole new meal. If you like soy sauce, bring a small (or large!) bottle. Thank me later.

Can I drink the water in Nepal?

It’s true that it is not safe to drink the tap/hose water in Nepal without treating it. You have two options when it comes to water:

Buy bottled water. It’s cheap in Kathmandu (about 20 NPR for a liter bottle) but expensive on the Annapurna Circuit (about 200 NPR for the same bottle in remote areas). It’s convenient, albeit can get expensive and Nepal has a real hard time getting rid of all that plastic.

A better option is to bring a reusable wide mouth water bottle (ie. Nalgene) and some sort of water purification. It’s cheaper and it doesn’t hurt the environment. Any lodge will provide you with the tap water for no cost, then you can just treat it yourself.

My favorite form of overseas purification is the SteriPen. It kills all bacteria, protozoa, viruses, everything in the water in 90 seconds (for 1L) using UV light. Science! It’s also rechargeable via USB and doesn’t add much weight to your pack.

If you do go the Steripen route, make sure to sleep with it if it gets below freezing temperatures at night. Freezing a Steripen will break it!

In several towns along the circuit there are also safe water drinking stations that provide UV filtered water for 40-60 NPR per liter.

Do I need a guide and/or porter?

You definitely do not NEED a guide for the circuit.

The choice to hire a guide and/or porter is completely individual. If you are an avid hiker, can read a map and guidebook, follow/find trail signs and markers, and have a general sense of direction and some common sense, you do not need a guide to complete the Annapurna Circuit. The route is mostly well marked and fairly straightforward and you are never very far from the next village. All of this said, there are pros and cons to hiring guides and porters.

PROs for hiring a guide: takes the “thinking” out of the travel, learn more about the landscapes and villages you are traveling through (hopefully, if you have a good guide), receive personal service and support, support the local economy, communities, and individuals.

CONS for hiring a guide: you will typically be set to a schedule, guides usually decide the lodging selections….

We noticed that guides are typically very clingy around their groups even once they have arrived at their destinations. From their perspective, they are hired to serve you and want to be nearby for anything that you might need. From a more western, independent perspective, it can sometimes be perceived as overbearing.

On the whole, other than a few sour stories, we found that most groups and individuals enjoyed the company of their guides, even in the evening hours, and they were often taken in as one of the family, playing cards and hanging out with their clients. There is less of an expectation for porters to hang out like this, though we did notice that some provided more service (beyond merely carrying bags) to their groups than others.

A decision to hire porters is fairly straightforward… do you want to carry your own pack or not? See our packing list for what you need, throw it in a bag, and determine if you want to carry that around for 3 weeks or not. We did notice that some porters played the role of guide as well, directing their clients to specific lodges. While this might be fine, depending on your preferences, be clear upfront with your expectations about making these decisions and who is controlling these decisions.

As with anything, if you decide to hire a guide, porter, or both, make sure to do your research. Because we did not choose to hire either, we cannot provide any specific tips for this aspect of the travel. There are countless travel agencies in Kathmandu and Pokhara through which these services can be hired. Make sure to ask a lot of questions and meet the guide and porter beforehand if at all possible.

How do I navigate the Annapurna Circuit solo?

The Annapurna Circuit trail is marked by red and white trail markers, while alternative trails are marked by blue and white trail markers.

For maps, unless you bring one that you picked up back home., the best option to pick up in Kathmandu or Pokhara is the NEPA Maps series “Around Annapurna / Marsyangdi, Thorung Pass, Kali Gandaki” (NA504). The trekking map 500 series 1:100,000 scale will include the entire circuit. These maps can be found throughout Thamel at book and paper stores.

In addition to bringing a map and a good guidebook (some people carried more than one guidebook for more comprehensive information), it’s a good idea to download an offline maps program, such as, which also showed most major trails and can help to check directions.

Do I need to bring camping/cooking gear?

Not unless you want to camp!

The Annapurna Circuit is a teahouse trekking circuit meaning that there are small towns with lodges along the entire way.

In fact you’ll never trek more than an hour without coming upon a group of lodges anxious to give you a place to sleep and cook you a good meal.

What should I pack?

We’ve created an entire post just for this! Check out Shawn’s Annapurna Circuit Packing List

So I heard The Annapurna Circuit got killed by a road. Thoughts?

The rumors are true. There is more and more road building and development going on in the Annapurna region. In fact you COULD take a jeep all the way to Manang these days, hike a few days over the pass and then take another jeep all the way down from Jomsom.

That said, the hike is FAR from being “dead”. The new Annapurna hiking trails are alive and well. There will be some unavoidable hiking on the “road” (really just a widened dirt path) from time to time, but the majority of the trek is still on trail so just follow the red/white and blue/white blazes and forget about the nay sayers and elitests that have done the trek before the road building.

The Annapurna Circuit is alive and well and just as beautiful as ever.

Annapurna Circuit Sample Itinerary (Full Thru Hike)

Day 1

Besi Sahar to Bhubule
Approximate Trek Time: 2 – 3 hrs
Distance: 7.5k / 4.7 miles
Overnight Elevation: 820m/2,690ft.

Pro tip: The small Everest Guest House has comfortable rooms and a HOT shower.

Day 2

Bhubule to Ghermu
Approximate Trek Time: 4 – 5 hrs.
Distance: 13.5k / 8.4 miles
Overnight Elevation: 1130m/3707ft.

Pro Tip: All the way at the far end of the town sits the Rainbow Lodge with an amazing courtyard view of a 200m high waterfall

Day 3

Ghermu to Tal
Approximate Trek Time: 5 – 6 ½ hrs.
Distance: 13.3k / 8.3 miles
Overnight Elevation: 1700m/5577ft

Pro Tip: The Father and Son guesthouse is an amazing value (free) and has ensuite bathroom with HOT shower

Day 4

Tal to Chame
Approximate Trek Time: 6 – 7 hrs.
Distance: 21k / 13 miles
Overnight Elevation: 2710m/8891ft.

Pro tip: If you go ALL the way to the end of town and cross the bridge there are a few guesthouses over there with good hot showers and a short walk to a mediocre hot spring.

Day 5

Chame to Upper Pisang
Approximate Trek Time: 3 ½ – 4 ½ hrs.
Distance: 14k / 8.7 miles
Overnight Elevation: 3310m/10,860ft.

Pro tip: Upper Pisang has WAY better views than lower Pisang. Take the upper route from Chame rather than the lower route. It’s worth it.

Day 6

Upper Pisang to Manang
Approximate Trekking Time: 5 ½ – 6 ½ hours
Distance: 15.5k / 9.6 miles
Overnight Elevation: 3540m/11,614ft.

Pro tip: The Yeti Hotel has good yak burgers and there are places in town that play daily movies

Day 7

Manang to Shree Kharka
Approximate Trekking Time: 2 ½ – 3 hrs.
Distance: 8.4k / 5.2 miles
Overnight Elevation: 3745m/12,287ft.

Pro tip: Some guidebooks state the section of trail out to Tilicho Tal is dangerous and “for experienced trekkers only”. It’s not nearly as bad as they make it out to be. Don’t fret, you can do it!

Day 8

Shree Kharka to Tilicho Tal Base Camp
Approximate Trekking Time: 3 – 4 hrs.
Distance: 6k / 3.7 miles
Overnight Elevation: 4140m/13,583ft.

Pro Tip: The Tilicho Tal Base Camp Hotel (first one you come to) has a nice dining area that gets sun all day to keep it warm. It also has a nice gas shower. (cost 100 NPR)

Day 9

Tilicho Tal Base Camp to Tilicho Lake to Shree Kharka
Approximate Trekking Time: 7 – 8 hrs.
Distance: 23k / 14.3 miles
Overnight Elevation: 4140m/12,287ft.

Pro tip: Leave your gear at the hotel when you climb up to the lake. On the return, grab lunch and your gear and then head down to Shree Kharka

Day 10

Shree Kharka to Yak Kharka
Approximate Trekking Time: 3 ½ – 4 ½ hours
Distance: 10.1k /6.3 miles
Overnight Elevation: 4200m/13,780ft.

Pro Tip: Some guidebooks will have you go all the way to Letdar today. Don’t bother. Yak Kharka is way nicer and has better facilities.

Day 11

Yak Kharka to Thorung Pedi
Approximate Trekking Time: 2 – 3 hrs.
Distance: 6.9k / 4.3 miles
Overnight Elevation: 4540m/14,895ft.

Pro tip: If you’re doing well on acclimatization you could also continue up another hours climb to high camp to get a head start on the long day over the pass. The climb to high camp is the toughest part of that day so if you’re feeling good knock it out early!

Day 12

Thorung Pedi to Ranipawa via Thorung-La Pass
Approximate Trekking Time: 6 – 7 hrs.
Distance: 14.2k / 8.8 miles
Overnight Elevation: 3710m/12,172ft.

Pro tip: There is a tea house on top of the pass that has big hot mugs of tea for 200 NPR. The Bob Marley Guesthouse in Ranipawa is awesome.

Day 13

Ranipawa to Kagbeni
Approximate Trekking Time: 2- 3 hrs.
Distance: 9.3k / 5.8 miles
Overnight Elevation: 2800m/9,186ft.

Pro Tip: There is a place Yac Donalds in Kagbeni that is worth a look for food if for nothing else than the hilarity of it. They have good rooms and a hot shower as well.

Day 14

Kagbeni to Marpha
Approximate Trekking Time: 3 ½ – 4 ½ hrs.
Distance:15.9k / 9.9 miles
Overnight Elevation: 2670m/8760ft.

Pro tip: Hotel Tanpopo is an excellent stay. Clean bright room with hot ensuite shower.

Day 15

Marpha to Larjung
Approximate Trekking Time: 3 – 3 ½ hrs.
Distance: 11.7k / 7.3 miles
Overnight Elevation: 2550m/8366ft.

Pro Tip: There isn’t a lot going on in Larjung, its actually pretty dismal so don’t arrive to early. If you do, grab a cheap pot of tea and a book and settle in for a long afternoon.

Day 16

Larjung to Ghasa
Approximate Trekking Time: 4 ½ – 5 ½ hrs.
Distance: 15.9k / 9.9 miles
Overnight Elevation: 2010m/6595ft.

Pro tip: If you want to get a head start on the next day you can continue 15 minutes past Ghasa to the Eagles Nest Guesthouse for a nice room with an ensuite hot shower.

Day 17

Ghasa to Tatopani
Approximate Trekking Time: 4 – 5 hrs.
Distance: 15.8k / 9.8 miles
Overnight Elevation: 1200m/3937ft.

Pro tip: Stay at the Dhaulagiri Lodge which has a private pathway to amazing hot springs! Grab a beer at the store before you go!

Day 18

Tatopani to Ghorepani
Approximate Trekking Time: 5 – 6 hrs.
Distance:15.3k / 9.5 miles
Overnight Elevation: 2870m/9416ft.

Pro tip: This is a LONG HARD day with 1750m (5750ft) of elevation gain. Hope you didn’t drink too many beers at the hot spring. Bring snacks to eat.

Day 19

Ghorepani to Naya Pul via Poon Hill
Approximate Trekking Time: 5 ½ – 6 ½ hrs.
Distance: 20.6k / 12.8 miles (inc Poon Hill)
Overnight Elevation: NA (continue on to Pokhara)

Pro tip: Get up EARLY (ie. in the dark) and head up to Poon Hill to catch the sunrise over the Annapurna range. Then grab breakfast at the lodge before heading down the endless staircase to Naya Pul.

Don’t Forget, if you are looking for a more detail recap of each day hiking the Annapurna Circuit, check out our daily blog posts!


explorer | photo taker

Annapurna Circuit Gear List


Day 19: Ghorepani to Naya Pul