Day 87: Powered by Milkshakes

Date: Fri 7/13

PCT Start Mile: 1286.9

PCT End Mile: 1301.0

PCT Mileage for Day: 14.1

Total PCT Mileage: 1301.1

The Highlights: sleeping in, more milkshakes, a long climb, 1300 miles, and a tidbit of rain

Between trains screeching down the tracks through the night, loud trucks, and bright lights, I slept like $hit last night, but was able to doze later this morning and didn’t get up until after 7am. So late, I know.

Caribou Crossroads cafe/shop.

We ate breakfast in the cafe at Caribou Crossroads, sitting there for probably three hours, getting coffee refills and following up our eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast with … another blackberry milkshake.

We also caught up with other hikers coming in off the trail – Upstream, Pilgrim, Bang, Mouse, Thumb… and others.

Blackberry Milkshakes.

While we had originally planned to stick around all afternoon and not head back to the trail until 3pm, waiting out the hottest time of the day, it turned out to be overcast, so we took the 1pm hitch back to the trail instead.

Brenda Braaten was back to shuttle hikers back to the trail, and we hopped in the first ride with Rainman and RV. RV has been doing the trail as a section hiker, getting in about two months this year, hiking from Tehachapi to Chester, so he has only a couple more days on trail. Chester will be our next stop.

Rainman, Hot Mess, Butters, Pilgrim, and Bang.

Our goal for the day was basically just to make it to the top of the ~13.5 mile climb, an ascent of over 5500 ft.

We hiked with Rainman off and on, the climb a long slow grind – some sections steeper and others more gradual. Brenda had described it as a gradual “Grandma climb”… but either she is one tough cookie or hasn’t been up here in awhile because there were plenty of tougher sections. It certainly wasn’t a cake walk.

While the skies were overcast, the day was plenty humid, and we stopped at the many small waterfalls that crossed the trail to splash water on our faces and necks and refill our bottles.

Just before the top of the climb, we hit the 1300 mile mark! So close to halfway! It’s crazy to think that we hit the first one hundred miles of trail on Day 7, and in the past 8 days we had done almost 200 miles. Goes to show you how much strength and endurance you gain with all the miles under your belt.

After hitting the top of the climb, we continued hiking another .6 to a tent site area, where both we and Rainman set up for the night.

While we were making dinner, Shawn had commented about the ominous cloud above us and of course, not 10 minutes later it started to rain. Luckily the rain came slowly and we hurried to put the rain fly on our tent and get the rest of our stuff inside/under the fly.

It mostly sprinkled for awhile, then stopped for a bit, and just now started raining a bit again. The rain is light for now, but who know if it will pick up during the night. We can’t really complain, California – and the rest of the West – needs rain.

Are we there?!?

Personally, after two nights of poor sleep, I’m hoping the rain will make for good sleep. Not sure if the pitter patter of the drops on the tent will be like a lullaby or more of annoyance, but I’m hoping for the former.

Definitely also listening to one or more large animals nearby in the forest right now too… sounds like probably deer? Stupid rain fly, can’t see anything.

Time to rest up! Tomorrow we will hit the halfway point!!!


explorer | photo taker

Day 88: Whoa! We’re Halfway There!!


Day 86: Into Caribou Crossroads