Day 78: Shawn’s Birthday in SLT

Date: Wed 7/4

PCT Start Mile: NA

PCT End Mile: NA

PCT Mileage for Day: 0

Total PCT Mileage: 1090.0

The Highlights: Shawn’s birthday, sushi, ice cream, 4th of July parade & fireworks

One last day of rest in South Lake Tahoe. The city pulled out all the stops for Shawn’s birthday: a parade, fireworks… what a day.

Our day was full of more rest and some good grub – including AYCE sushi and another trip to The Baked Bear for more yummy cookie ice cream sandwiches, because it was Shawn’s birthday after all (not that we really needed an excuse).

Celebrating both your husband’s birthday and America’s birthday requires a lot of ice cream.

We also caught some of the Fourth of July parade in the morning as we scootered back from breakfast:

And, we closed out our day with the awesome fireworks over the lake tonight.

Tomorrow it’s back to the trail. When you hear about the PCT, you hear about the long stretch of desert at the start, the majestic Sierras, the quick speeds people hike through Oregon, and the spectacular scenery through Washington.

But tucked in between the Sierras and Oregon, there are still 600+ more miles through northern California. For some reason, you rarely hear about this section, despite the fact that it is longer than Oregon or Washington.

Tomorrow we officially enter “northern California”, at least as far as the maps we use are concerned, heading into the unknown! There are several parks and wilderness areas that should be spectacular, so stay tuned. Posts and pics to come!

Happy Fourth of July everyone!


Day 79: Rocks, Rocks, Rocks


Day 77: More Rest in SLT