Days 63: Silver Pass

Date: Tue 6/19

PCT Start Mile: 883.1

PCT End Mile: 903.1

PCT Mileage for Day: 20

Total PCT Mileage: 903.1

The Highlights: 1/3 of the trail completes, Silver Pass, and the 900 mile marker

This morning we hiked out around 6am toward our sixth and last mountain pass for this section of the PCT: Silver Pass.

Not far out of camp, we passed 883.3 miles, meaning we’ve completed 1/3 of the trail. While no one had made a marker for this (at least that we saw), it was a milestone nonetheless.

Silver Pass was similar to Seldon Pass in that there was a pretty approach, with lakes, lots of boulders, and trail through green grass en route to the final ascent. It was different in that it still had several patches of snow remaining, which we climbed through to meet the pass.

Silver was also unique in that the trail didn’t top out at the pass (10,779 ft), but ascended above it, before descending over snow into the valley and around Chief Lake, patched with cracked ice.

Beyond Silver Pass, the day was a roller coaster of uphill and downhill, along mountainsides with gorgeous views of towering snow capped peaks, through forests, and over and through rivers. I believe we kept our feet dry until almost 10:30am, maybe a record (if you discount the fact that I started in wet socks to begin with).

Toward the end of our day, we passed the 900 mile mark! Shawn had passed by before me, so this pic is all by my lonesome.

We are camped at mile 903.1 and tomorrow have only about 4 miles to go to get to Reds Meadow, where we will take a series of two shuttles into Mammoth Lakes.

This past 6+ days was an amazing section of trail, with some of the most spectacular scenery through the Sierra and possibly even the entire PCT. It was also long, demanding, and exhausting, with steep ascents, rocky descents, snow fields and postholing, and many very early mornings.

Our legs are full of cuts from postholing in the abrasive snow and a ridiculous number of mosquito bites. It was all completely worth it, but we are also looking forward to a couple days rest, beds, and showers – very very long showers.


Day 64: Into Mammoth Lakes


Day 62: Seldon Pass