Day 40: Tehatchapi

Date: Sun 5/27

PCT Start Mile: NA

PCT End Mile: NA

PCT Mileage for Day: 0

Total PCT Mileage: 566.4

The Highlights: lots of rest and some good BBQ

This update will be short! Today we took a zero in Tehatchapi. We are less than 150 miles from the Sierras and we are so excited to get there, but there have actually been some storms in the Sierras lately so there is not a huge rush to get there as we hope some of the snow will melt over the next week.

Wanting to relax today, we took care of all of our town chores and errands yesterday, including resupply, gear cleaning, and laundry. A huge thanks to Mama and Papa Squishy for driving us to the grocery and UPS stores. Today we could relax and stay off our feet, taking care of anything we needed to do online and some forward planning, but mostly just laying around watching movies/TV and resting our muscles.

With free hotel breakfast and leftover pizza from yesterday for lunch, we actually didn’t even leave the hotel until it was time for dinner. We met Dead Zone, CactAss, and Daisy Dukes (Florian from Germany finally accepted a trail name) at a local BBQ joint: Red House BBQ. Good stuff.

On the way to/from the BBQ place, we passed the local VFW, bopping with an event for the Memorial Day weekend. From the very little walking around we did, we noticed that Tehachapi was pretty patriotic, with monuments and plaques dedicated to military service, especially in the blocks around the VFW.

That was it for the day. Not terribly exciting. Back at the hotel, we organized our gear for a morning departure. Back to the trail tomorrow!


Day 41: The Longest Day


Day 39: Blowing into Tehachapi