Day 107: Ashland
Date: Thurs 8/2
PCT Start Mile: NA
PCT End Mile: NA
PCT Mileage for Day: 0
Total PCT Mileage: 1718.7
The Highlights: beer, coffee, and rest
Today we took a second zero in Ashland. We’d originally planned to hike out in the evening to begin a 24-hour challenge, where – you guessed it – you hike for 24 hours.
The plan was to hike from about 5pm tonight until 5pm tomorrow night. But, we had been feeling a little on the tired side coming into Ashland and didn’t think it was a great time to test the fatigue levels. So, we are tabling this plan for now, and will hike out in the morning. If the timing or fancy strikes us later in Oregon, we may still do the 24-hour challenge. I’m not that bummed about this because I love sleep. 😴
So anyway, we had a second full rest day. This time we managed to get a bit further afield, heading into downtown Ashland to check out Standing Stone Brewing Company and relax at a coffee shop.
We ate dinner at the sushi place down the street (again) and noticed on the way back to the hotel that the skies were much clearer tonight than last night. Pictures of the two nights below:
Wednesday night
Thursday night
We hit the trail again tomorrow morning and will be to Crater Lake National Park sometime on Monday. High hopes that we somehow get a clear day and the view of the lake isn’t obscured by the smoky hazy I’ve been seeing in people’s pictures lately. Oregon is on fire so… we get what we get!