Day 106: The Zero of all Zeros

Date: Wed 8/1

PCT Start Mile: NA

PCT End Mile: NA

PCT Mileage for Day: 0

Total PCT Mileage: 1718.7

The Highlights: doing nothing

This will be short and sweet… and boring, because we did almost absolutely nothing today, like you should on a zero day. Our hotel had a continental breakfast – small, but good enough, and we mostly sat around in the hotel all day, watching movies on TV and staying off our feet. We even caught some classics like Shawshank Redemption and The Goonies. It’s our time, our time down here!

We did leave the room twice. The first time to do our resupply grocery shopping, which included food for this next section as well as two other sections in Oregon, which we packed in boxes to mail forward.

Our second trip out was to the nearby UPS store to mail two of our boxes and get dinner at the sushi place next door – Bonsai Teriyaki 2. Much much better than the sushi we got in South Lake Tahoe. Yummo. Our hotel area was super convenient, with a grocery store, laundromat, the UPS store, pharmacy, and several places to eat nearby.

That was basically our day… nothing exciting. The day of mostly nothing was just what we needed. Tomorrow we will spend some time in downtown Ashland before we head out in the evening to begin our 24-hour challenge. More on that tomorrow!!


Day 107: Ashland


Day 105: Into Ashland