Day 92: Scorching
Date: Wed 7/18
PCT Start Mile: 1382.4
PCT End Mile: 1409.7
PCT Mileage for Day: 27.3
Total PCT Mileage: 1409.7
The Highlights: Hat Creek Rim, trail magic, stupid hot hiking, 1400+ miles, and Burney Mountain Guest Ranch
This morning we got started at 5:25am, only a little over half an hour earlier than our normal time, but every bit helps when the day is going to become very hot.
Hiking in the wee morning hours was cool and pleasant, with amazing views over the valley, including Mt Shasta far in the distance, which we’d gotten our first pale view of last night.
Trail register.
Continuing along the rim, we eventually ran into some unexpected trail magic – complete with sodas, water, clementines, granola bars, Rice Krispie treats, and other snacks. This was a huge boost for our morning.
Exposed without much tree cover, the day quickly became very hot. The terrain, plants, and sun exposure reminded us of being back in the desert again. Oh, and the snake I almost stepped on.
Just before we took our lunch break, we passed the 1400 mile marker. It’s amazing to think we’ve walked 1400 miles – far more, if you count side trails and walks into town. Craziness.
We took our lunch break under the shade of a large tree with a few other hikers. Shade was at a premium, so spotting this tree ahead on the trail was a godsend. Despite the heat, we took a quick lunch and got back on the trail, wanting to make it to the Burney Mountain Guest Ranch by late afternoon.
The next two hours of hiking were scorching hot, mostly exposed with only small patches of shade. We didn’t have cell service, but the temps were at least in the 90s, as the whole area had been having temps in the 90s and 100s.
The water in our bottles went from lukewarm to hot, and we were ecstatic to arrive at the first water source in 13 miles. I splashed water from the creek onto my face and neck, quickly drinking the cool liquid from my filter. We filled our bottles before continuing on.
From this last water source, the Guest Ranch was only another 3 miles. The trail weaved around a small lake before climbing gently uphill beneath the shade of trees. Completely rejuvenated by our cold water, we made quick time to the Ranch.
From the trail, we followed the signs for the quarter mile detour to the ranch.
We were very quickly greeted by several familiar faces – including Rainman, who had spent the day here and was hiking out this evening with a couple other friends, and Numbers, a 2017 Hiker who was volunteering at different venues along the trail this year.
We had last seen him at Hiker Heaven in Agua Dulce, nearly 1000 miles ago. Numbers gave us the lay of the land – pool, showers, WiFi, tent camping, meals, laundry, resupply, packages, etc.
After chatting with Rainman for a bit, we made our way to showers and laundry, using some of the loaner clothes provided while we did our wash.
I found some men’s basketball shorts that went past my knees. Gangsta. Shawn picked up the resupply package we’d mailed ourselves from South Lake Tahoe and soon we were digging into dinner – a baked potato bar with the biggest potatoes I’ve ever seen in my life – with all the fixings – chili, cheese, sour cream, onions, salad, and watermelon.
After dinner, we took a quick dip in the pool. Shawn followed this up by giving himself a little haircut with some clippers in the hiker box. Productive evening.
There are probably at least 15-20 hikers staying here tonight, most of us camped in a small circle of grass/dirt in front of the main lodge house.
By hiker midnight, all was silent other than the occasional zipping and unzipping of tents as people made nighttime visits to the toilet. This was a great stop, with truly awesome hosts.
While the Drakesbad Guest Ranch was not very welcoming, Burney Mountain goes out of their way to provide services to hikers. Huge thanks to them for everything!