Day 82: Northern California Rollercoaster

Date: Sun 7/8

PCT Start Mile: 1160.7

PCT End Mile: 1184.7

PCT Mileage for Day: 24

Total PCT Mileage: 1184.7

The Highlights: roller coaster climbs, fields of wildflowers, windy ridges, and an afternoon swim in Jackson Meadow Reservoir

Today we hit the trail at 6am, as usual, most of the other hikers snug in their tents, a couple others just starting to pack up.

Rainman left just before us and we’d only see him briefly later in the morning. He planned to hike further than us for the day to get into Sierra City first thing the next morning.

The morning was a continual roller coaster of climbs and descents through forest and hills of wildflowers, some of the climbs longer than others but none too bad.

While it was roasting on the lower reaches of a mountain, the sun baking us through the trees, high up on the ridges it was crazy windy.

Hiking at a good clip through the undulating terrain, we had 16 miles in the books by noon and stopped at a protected tent site out of the wind for a nice long lunch break.

Only planning to hike eight more miles, we had no rush. The bigger climbs were finished for the day and it would be a relatively easy eight miles to our planned tent site.

Eventually we set out again, around quarter to two, hiking to the next water source – Mule Ears Creek – to refill and filter water.

We were lucky enough to run into Conflicted here. The last few times we’ve seen him he’s talked about the slow performance of his water filter, and today was more of the same. Then he went on to talk about his tent – his old one vs his new one, the one he wished he had, the cost of different tents, the possibility of using a hammock instead… it was a saga. He was conflicted, as usual.

After filtering our water, we headed on.

The afternoon was warm – hot, actually – and soon a large sparkling blue lake came into view far below. We were so hot, it would be so nice to take a swim.

At the road over Pass Creek, we took a short detour left, heading toward the East Meadow Campground and the lake – actually Jackson Meadow Reservoir. Inside the campground we worked our way toward the water until we found trails leading to a small beach. Yes.

Only one family was relaxing along the beach. They informed us the water was cold, but refreshing.

We slowly eased our way in, each finally taking the plunge and submerging in the cool waters. Back on the rocky beach, we dried in the sun.

The family was super interested in our hike, the PCT, where we started, and our entire journey to Canada. Everything we needed was in our packs? Tent? Sleeping bags? Food? What did we eat? How much did our packs weigh? How long would the hike take? Did we ever feel like quitting?

One woman in particular asked most of the questions. “Do you guys like Snickers?”, she asked. “We have some snickers.” Sure. We would never turn down food. We thought they might just have them in a cooler down at the beach, but she actually ran back up to their camper to get them, which was really nice.

The candy bars were nice and cold – out of the refrigerator. A nice snack as we sat on the beach. She also brought us a full bag of cashews to take along – Shawn’s favorite.

After chatting a bit more, we packed up and started back toward the trail – stopping first by the campground bathrooms and water spicket to fill our bottles. Super productive stop.

If it didn’t cost $24 for a campsite we probably would have camped there, too, but as it was we could head back to the trail and camp for free. So, that’s what we did.

Back on the trail, it was only another mile until we stopped at a tent site. We set up camp, ate an early dinner, and were in our tent by 7pm. An early night. Tomorrow we head into Sierra City.


Day 83: 1200 Miles!


Day 81: Donner Pass